Rockland Shopping EXPO

This holiday season we are helping our members sell on line to the Rockland County community and beyond. We have partnered with the Rockland Business Women’s Network to bring the first Rockland County Online Holiday Shopping Expo to our community. We want to encourage people to shop local! The expo fee for our chamber members is $100, please check with us to ensure that your membership is up to date so you get the best price (non-members will pay $150). Non- Profits are $75.

You can sign up today at Once your membership is confirmed you will be approved. You will then pay the registration fee and will be able upload up to 21 photos with descriptions of items you want to sell. A few things to keep in mind:

  1. Retail businesses, service businesses, and nonprofits can all participate. Service businesses can offer their services individually or as a special “show package” and nonprofits can offer “donations” for sale or package them up, for example, “Feed a senior for a week” and assign it a dollar value for the donation. We also encourage everyone to consider offering show deals and discounts to encourage online shopping such as 10% off when you mention the show, etc.
  2. You can sell 1 item or up to 21 items.
  3. You can list quantities of each in the description so that you actually have more items on line ultimately. (For example: This item is available in multiple colors and we have 10 in stock.)
  4. The sales process doesn’t actually happen on the site. All sales will go directly through you, and you will handle all shipping or pick up arrangements so your company description should include how people can order, i.e. over the phone, via email, etc.
  5. The only fee is the booth registration fee so you keep the entire profit of whatever you sell.
  6. You should prepare photos of your items for sale and have them ready to upload as jpgs with descriptions after you are approved. Service businesses could put up pictures of their logos or headshots with different descriptions for different service offerings. Nonprofits can do something similar or get creative with fun photos.
  7. The show will be open from December 5th through 9th – 24/7 and all Chambers and the RBWN will be promoting it along with the County Executive office and the Office for Economic Development. News 12 and other media will also promote it.
  8. Please be sure to use the attached graphic to promote the Expo on your own social platforms and through emails to your customers.

This is a great way to not only gain visibility for your Rockland business no matter where it is located, but also to gain new customers and sales.

Please reach out to us or to with any questions you might have.

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