The Nanuet Chamber of Commerce is committed to helping businesses succeed during this difficult time. We will host a marketing and networking meeting via Zoom on October 15th at 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM. You’ll hear tips and important information from Clarkstown’s Jeff Gillies, Clarkstown Intergovernmental Relations Coordinator** and Marketing Expert Risa Hoag, President of GMG Public Relations. When you register you will have an opportunity to submit questions that you would like answered during the Zoom session.
Please plan to join us as we help you navigate the upcoming months. The registration confirmation will include the ZOOM link.
**Intergovernmental Relations Coordinator- which allows Jeff Gillies to work across departments and boards within the Town, and between the town and other levels of government or organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce and CUPON- based on what the Supervisor is looking to accomplish. The primary focus of these efforts is economic development.
This meeting is sponsored by GMG Public Relations, celebrating 30 years of award-winning creativity to support businesses and nonprofits.
Event Details
Thank you for your pre-registration - The ZOOM meeting link is below and included in the PDF confirmation.
We respectfully request that you do not share this link with anyone who has not registered for the event. Thank you.
The Nanuet Chamber of Commerce and GMGPR are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
PLEASE RETAIN THIS INFORMATION - (You may wish to copy this information to your calendar).
If you wish to submit a question please Click Here
Join Zoom Meeting - October 15th 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Meeting ID: 883 5864 5723
Passcode: 750716
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Meeting ID: 883 5864 5723
Passcode: 750716
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Date: October 15, 2020
Start time: 08:30 a.m. EDT
End time: 10:00 a.m. EDT
Venue: Zoom Link included in PDF confirmation