2019 5th Annual Art Exhibition, March 29th

March 15-29 – Artwork from over 100 Nanuet students was on display at various businesses around Nanuet. On the evening of March 29th, Nanuet and Beyond and the Nanuet Chamber of Commerce presented the 5th Annual Art Exhibition at the Shops at Nanuet in the 2nd-floor atrium between Macy’s and Regal Theaters.
Our Art Show continues to grow each year as does our partnership with the Nanuet School District! It is always well attended with over 100 adults as well as the children artists.
Prior to the event, all the artwork is judged by local artists, painters, sculptors, to identify first, second, third and honorable mention awards in each school category. A grand prize “Best in Show” is also selected. The Nanuet Chamber of Commerce presents prizes of cash or gifts to all the winners.
Congratulations to all the winners who were recognized that evening!!!!
(All the students who participated as well as the teachers and judges are invited to the Clarkstown Town Hall Meeting, Tuesday, April 9th at 7 PM where a special recognition and certificate will be presented to all the participants by George Hoehmann, Town Supervisor ).

This event would not be possible without the generous support of many “behind the scenes” volunteers and donations. A very grateful thank you to the following:
- The Shops at Nanuet who has hosted our Art Exhibition each of the last five years
- Kelly Quartironi, Art Director for Nanuet Schools and all of the art teachers for encouraging their students to participate
- The esteemed judges to take the time to carefully review and judge each submission.
- Board Member Linda Stankard who conceived of the idea 5 years ago and has carried the ball every year to make it happen
- Susan Farese, Chamber VP who makes sure that we have food, entertainment and decorations for the event and other board members who bring the art to the Nanuet businesses for display ahead of the event
- All the businesses who participated by hosting the art
- All the businesses who donated food for the evening
- All the businesses who donated various gift certificates and prizes for the raffles
- All the parents who donated to Nanuet & Beyond, our sister 501c3 charitable organization that raises money for Nanuet scholarships and school trips and other activities
- Our elected representatives who make a point to attend and support our event
- The many businesses who sponsored the event with donations
- All those who attend the event to show their support for the children and the “arts”
Thank you to the Nanuet School music department who performed:
- The Nanuet High School Concert Choir, Elaine Royal, Director.
- MacArthur Barr Middle School 7th/8thGrade Chorus Andrew Carr and Tracy Dobelle, Directors
- The Nanuet High School Chamber Orchestra, Katherine Rife, director
- Bach2Rock who offered a number of different student artists playing acoustic guitar, electric guitars and a classical cellist