Join the Board

Would you like to be a part of the Nanuet Chamber of Commerce's active and hard working board?

The number of board members for the Nanuet Chamber is set by our by-laws to a maximum of 15 board members. However, we do at times have openings and look to both the business community and the communtity at large to fill those positions. A board member must be a member of the Nanuet Chamber (business, non-profit or individual) and interested in becoming and active member of the board. For anyone interested, we offer several guidelines below.


Thank you for considering a board position with the Greater Nanuet Chamber of Commerce. We are an active board and look for people who are passionate about being a part of Nanuet’s progress as we “build our future together!” The Nanuet Chamber is one of the most active of the eight Chambers in Rockland and we enjoy taking a leading role in Nanuet’s and Rockland’s future. We hope you will too.

What you can expect as a prospective board member:

  1. An interview with current board members so we can discuss our goals and expectations and make sure potential board members know as much as possible before committing. During the interview we want to hear your goals, expectations and questions as well.
  2. You are welcome to attend board meetings before committing, to see us in action.
  3. Please feel free to reach out to current board members to ask questions so you have a clear idea going forward of what to expect.
  4. Review our website ( as you will find it chock-full of information including our history, current board member bios, etc.
  5. And of course, all board members must be current Chamber members in good standing, either as individuals or a representative of a company.

What you can expect as a board member:

  1. Monthly meetings – we request that all board members attend all board meetings which are held monthly, generally on the first Wednesday of the month (with some exceptions). We do of course understand that other plans come up from time to time and that people might miss a meeting. We will provide you with agreed meeting dates in advance (posted on our website as far in advance as possible), so you can plan accordingly.
  2. You will receive an agenda for the meeting ahead of time and minutes of the last meeting for you to read in advance, so you are fully informed and ready for discussions at the meeting.
  3. We enjoy lively discussions and debates at our board meetings. We welcome everyone’s ideas and opinions so that we have a full picture of what everyone is thinking before we undertake new activities and ideas as well as revisit existing activities, events, etc.
  4. Each board member is asked to attend as many of our member events as possible and to help wherever possible; we are a hands-on board. Again, we understand that we all have personal and business commitments and can’t be at everything.
  5. Each board member is asked to eventually chair an event or initiative and take it on as their responsibility, or initially act as a co-chair. The entire board supports each activity and event, but each board member is asked to assume a task or event. This could be an existing initiative or event or a new one that you want to develop.

Thank you in advance for taking the first step in exploring a board position with the Nanuet Chamber. We look forward to further discussion with you! You can send us any questions at

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