Partnering with the Nanuet Chamber is a win/win scenario! We promote you and your business to our 150+ members and our 1800+ email subscribers. We utilize traditional public relations, social media (e.g. Facebook) and email marketing to spread our message and yours. Consider one of the opportunities below.
Street Fair
We have four sponsorship opportunities outlined below.
- Company name included in all advertising, printing and promotion, including the Fair Logo, leading up to the event beginning from the time we receive sponsorship form and payment.
- Logo and a link to website will be listed on our website.
- Company logo will also be given a prominent spot on our Nanuet Street Fair t-shirts and shopping bags that are distributed to 500 Fair attendees.
- Company material may be placed in the Street Fair shopping bags.
- The organization will also be acknowledged on the day of the Fair with banners hung along the Street and receive a free booth at the Fair.
- Company name included in all advertising, printing and promotion, including the Fair Logo, leading up to the event beginning when payment is received.
- Logo and a link to your website will be listed on our website.
- Company logo will also be given a prominent spot on our Nanuet Street Fair t-shirts and shopping bags that are distributed to 500 Fair attendees.
- Company material may be placed in the Street Fair shopping bags.
- The organization will also be acknowledged on the day of the Fair with banners hung along the Street and receive a free booth at the Fair
- Company will be highlighted in a Street Fair Video.
Children Rides or Stage sponsors. Includes name on Posters at the respective event being sponsored. Name will also be included on the Street Fair T-Shirt and bag, option to place literature, giveaway, etc. in the shopping bags distributed to 500 Fair attendees. Name included on all Street Fair promotional material from the time we receive payment.
T-Shirt and bag sponsors will be recognized on our Nanuet Street Fair t-shirt and shopping bag for the event and have an opportunity to put their material or premium items into the giveaway bag and be listed as a sponsor on the Nanuet Chamber website. Bag sponsors are invited to be part of our popular bag stuffing event the week prior to the Street Fair.
Chamber Sponsorships
In addition to the Street Fair sponsorships, the Greater Nanuet Chamber of Commerce is offering two additional annual (calendar year) levels of sponsorship. Sign up early to take advantage of all the benefits.
- As a Diamond sponsor, company name included in all Chamber advertising, printing and promotions, including the Fair Logo, for the year from the time we receive payment.
- Logo and a link to your website will be listed on our website.
- Company logo will also be given a prominent spot on our Nanuet Street Fair t-shirts and shopping bags that are distributed to 500 Fair attendees.
- Company material may be placed in the Street Fair shopping bags.
- The organization will also be acknowledged on the day of the Fair with banners hung along the Street and receive a free booth at the Fair PLUS company will be highlighted in a Street Fair Video.
- Includes a separate two-minute video (in addition to the Street Fair video) that the company may retain for their own use.
- A business card ad space on the Rockland Tourism Map (see additional map info).
- Sponsorship recognized for all Chamber events for the calendar year on all promotional material as well as the Chamber website.
- Sapphire, our highest level of sponsorship includes:
Company name included in all advertising, printing and promotion, for all events for the year including the Street Fair Logo, leading up to the event beginning from the time we receive sponsorship payment. - Logo and a link to the Nanuet Chamber website will be listed on our website.
- Company logo will also be given a prominent spot on our Nanuet Street Fair t-shirts and shopping bags that are distributed to 500 Fair attendees.
- Company material may be placed in the Street Fair shopping bags.
- The organization will also be acknowledged on the day of the Fair with banners hung along the Street and receive a free booth at the Fair PLUS company will be highlighted in a Street Fair Video.
- Includes a separate two-minute video (in addition to the Street Fair video) that the company may retain for their own use.
- A business card ad space on the Rockland Tourism Map (see additional map info).
- Sponsorship recognized for all Chamber events for the calendar year on all promotional material as well as the Chamber website.
- Two free passes to all chamber events and company may supply promotional material to be available at all chamber events.
Event Sponsorships
Individual event sponsorships are available for further marketing opportunities.Â
- Includes the ability to have a table/space at the respective (non Street Fair) event
- 5 minutes to talk about your business
- Promotion on Facebook, in press releases and in emails to membership and all email subscribers (over 1,800) and
- 2 tickets to the event
- Includes your business promoted in any emails to membership about the event.
If you would like to support general chamber activities, you may enter an amount of your choosing. We thank you for your support.
Map Sponsorships
The Greater Nanuet Chamber of Commerce creates a Rockland County Tourism Map that is printed and an interactive version will also be available online for one year. (The online map, link from menu above, will be updated with calendar events, promotions, and more county wide activities on a regular basis throughout the year). The map (24″ x 18″ folded to a 4″ x 9″ standard map size) will be available in September/October and distributed through local hotels, businesses, tourism offices, etc. and is updated annually.
We are offering advertising opportunities on our online interactive map which will highlight paid advertisers and provide regular special highlights to those paid advertisers. Current advertisers on the paid and online map are being offered right of first refusal to renew or create print ads in future editions. Our thanks to the Shops at Nanuet for supporting the map through the purchase of the back cover on our first edition!
A business card size ad (2" H x 3 1/2" W) for non members is $395 per ad, $295 for members. Double ads are double each respective price.
Back cover ad on all printed copies - $5,000